Saturday, July 28, 2007

Fakta Seputar Seks

Dapet dari tetangga nih....

Itung2 ini dapat menambah wawasan kita ttg sex.....

-Terkesan konyol tp prnh dipercaya dan dipraktekin

1. versi lain payudara
sjk dulu ukuran dan bntk payudara jd simbol kecantikan. di Ethiopia, cewe2 rela payudaranya disengat lebah utk mempermontok.
Di Bagandi, cewe2 menggantungi payudaranya dgn pemberat agar memanjang

2. ada kbdyaan india yg bilang kita akan jd homoseks klo ngeliat 2 ular lg ML

3. Hidung vs mr. P
Ratu Johanne I dr italia percaya klo ukuran hidung co sesuai ukuran P nya. Dia nikah sm Andrew yg berhidung besar
sayang, Pnya Andrew ternyata mini bgt shgg ratu menceraikannya

4. Tes Virginitas
suku Inka percaya tiupan nafas perawan mampu mengobarkan api kecil...sdg yg ga perawan lg justu memadamkan
klo zaman Romawi, kprwnan diuji dgn bawa air dlm saringan.
klo bs bawa air dlm saringan berarti msh prwn

5. Budaya Cina kuno ngajarin gadis utk berjln hati2 dan melangkah sehalus mgkn utk mencegah robeknya selaput dara

- Pelopor "instrumen" seks

6. Playboy adlh majalah erotis pertama dgn Marilyn Monroe sbg model sampul. terjual 50 rebu eks

7. novel Lady Chatterley's Lover karangan D.H Lawrence dianggap sbg novel plg "dirty" sepanjang masa...yaitu ttg perselingkuhan super panas seorg nyonya besar

8. Film pertama yg menampilkan adegan ciuman adlh The Kiss (1896) satu menit

9. Bokep pertama dibuat di Argentina yaitu Sartorio (1910)
klo yg plg legendaris adlh Deep Thorat (1972)...hgga 2002 aja udh ngumpulin 600 jt dolar amrik, Bo

10. Prostitusi termasuk profesi tertua di dunia ada sjk 2300 SM di Mesopotamia

11. Komunitas homoseks diakui pd zaman Julius caesar...waktu itu hombreng dianggap lumrah krn jmlh wanita di lingk tertentu (barak tentara dan sekolah khusus pria) lbh sedikit

12. sifilis adlh pnykt kelamin pertama yg ditemukan

13. George Jogersen, prajurit 26 taon dr Denmark adlh org pertama yg mnjalani operasi ganti kelamin di Copenhagen pd 1952

14. Vibrator udh ada sjk zaman Cleopatra. bentuknya kotak bersi lebah yg bikin alat ini bergetar. Utk merangsang lebah bergerak...miss V dilumuri madu dulu

15. Aksesori seks udh dikenal sjk zaman Ratu Victoria, Inggris...yaitu cincin di puting payudara. dipakai krn dipercaya bs ngegedein dan memperindah btk payudara sekaligus menimbulan sensasi erotis saat bersentuhan dgn baju yg dipake

-Antara percaya dan ngga percaya

16. Di Jepang ada sbh coffee shop yg lantenya dilapisi cermin spy pengunjung bs ngeliat bagian dlm rok pelayannya

17. Pria Tibet sebisa mgkn menolak nikah ama perawan. klo ada pendatang pria di tibet..mrk ditawari tdr dgn wanita lokal. Sbg bayaran, wnt ini akan dpt perhiasan dr pria tsb...Wanita yg bs ngoleksi sjmlh perhiasan sblm nikah dianggap wanita terhormat

18. pria suku Eskimo nunjukin rasa hormat ke tamu dgn meminta istrinya tidur dgn sang tamu

19. Scr medis otot miss V bs menjepit P terlalu ketat shgg ga bs keluar lg...disebut dgn PENIS CAPTIVUS...yg disebbabin kekejangan mendadak otot V

20. langka sih, tp ada co yg punya penis kembar..disebut DIPHALLASPARATUS

21. ternyata wlyh prostitusi terbesar di dunia adlh KRaMAT TUNGGAK, jakarta utara..tapi udh ditutup kog

- Yg ini hasil survey

22. Foreplay biasanya brlgsg selama 14-17 mnt utk pasangan yg udh nikah...dan pria akan dpt O setelah melakukan hub seks

23. ada 100 jt aktivitas sex setiap hr di slrh dunia yg menyebabkan 910.000 kehamilan

24. 95% pria di Thailand prnh berkunjung ke lokasi prostitusi..walo bln tentu make jasa PSK...

25. Penduduk Amrik kompak bgt deh...mereka plg sering ngelakuin ML pd jam yg sama yaitu 22.45...

26. rata2 pasangan menikah ngelakuin ML 109x setaon (2x seminggu)...yg nikah tnp anak 103x...yg pny anak 115x

27. diperkirakan sekitar 150.000 penduduk Amrik bermasturbasi pd wkt bersamaan

-Istilah seksual dan sejarah

28. istilah oral sex di masy china kuno disebut "musik mulut"

29. Kaum homoseks di jerman di sbt angkatan 175..diambil dr paragraf UU, German Penal Code yg menentang homoseksual

30. Saat ini lom bs dipastiin asal kata Kondom...ada yg blg diciptain Dr. Conto..ada jg yg blg berasal dr bhs Latin, Condo yg berarti membuang

31. Di Jepang, orgasme berarti mati dan masuk surga saking nikmatnya

32. Penis brsl dr bhs Latin yg berarti ekor...baru dipake sbg istilah alat kelamin pria pd abad XVII

33. Di Cina, PSK disebut bunga yg gugur krn mereka bole diambil oleh sapapun

-Undang2 seks

34. Ginekolog di Bahrain memeriksa alat kelamin pasiennya lwt cermin

35. RS di Sydney ngebolehin pemanggilan PSK utk pemuda yg sakit parah dan ga mau mati sbg perjaka tnp izin ortunya

36. Mnrt hukum Yahudi kuno, pria bekerja hrs ML dgn istrinya 2x seminggu...utk sopir, 1x seminggu..sdgn yg pengangguran hrs setiap hari

37. di pulau Tikopia di samudra pasifik, cowo ga bole nyentuh alat kelamin sapapun termasuk miliknya sendiri... Jd urusan penetrasi sepenuhnya adlh tg jwb wanita...heueheueheue

38. dulu di Eropa, impotensi bs dijadikan alasan utk nuntut cerai seorg suami.. Suami yg dituduh impoten kudu ngebuktiin di dpn pengadilan bhw dia bs ereksi

- Tau gak yg ini

39. celana dalam yg dilengkapi kondom udah ada diperjual belikan

40. pd peringatan hr AIDS 1993 dibuat kondom setinggi 21 m dan lebar 3,5 m yg diletakkan di atas tugu Place De la Concorde paris

41. saat Rusia kekurangan produksi botol, kondom jd pengganti sementara...yg beli satu botol bir akan dapat lebih dr 3 kondom

42. semen (cairan sperma) bs nyebabin alergi pada bbrp, siap2 aja tisu...

43. orgasme pria biasanya bertahan 3-5 dtk...sdgkn wanita 5-8 dtk

44. posisi woman on top pas bgt buat pria gemuk yg punya pasangan kurus

45. wanita jstr lbh menikmati seks stl ngelairin...soalnya proses ngelairin ini meningkatakn suplai darah ke organ genital shgg membuat lbh responsif
pdhal, kog byk wanita yg males ML stlh pny anak ya???????????

46. saat remaja, pria bs nahan ereksi selama 1 jam...sementara klo udah 60 ereksi 7 mnt aja udh untung bgtttttt

47. vanila berasal dr kata vagina dlm bhs Latin dan dipercaya sbg afrosidiak plg dahsyat. Havelock Ellis dr Spanyol pernah ngunjungin pabrik vanila dan melihat semua pekerja pria ereksi spnjg hari

48. FDA prnh menemukan efek samping Viagra spt cegukan, sendawa dan pertumbuhan rambut yg ga normal pd sejumlah pemakainya

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Jarum Suntik

Seorang gadis datang berobat dan setelah diperiksa oleh dokter, gadis itu minta disuntik dengan tambahan, jarumnya jangan yang besar.

Dokter mulai mengambil suntikan sekali pakai dan gadis itu sambil mengeliat-geliat ditempat tidur periksa mungkin karena takut bilang berulang-ulang,

"Dok, jarumnya jangan yang besar..."

Karena kesal dokter yang sudah menyiapkan obat suntik memperlihatkan suntikannya pada si gadis sambil bilang

"Nih, jarumnya kecil kok, kalau yang besar punya saya..."

Gadis melongo lalu senyum-senyum sendiri.

I Made Agung Cecep Situmorang: Alat Kelamin Bercak Merah-Merah
Seorang pria datang ke dokter kelamin dengan keluhan, "Dokter, alat kelamin saya kok merah-merah? ", dokter pun menjawab,

"Wah gawat itu, jangan-jangan anda terkena penyakit kelamin yang menular".

Lalu dokter dan pria itu pun masuk ke kamar periksa untuk diperiksa oleh dokter tersebut, "Coba kita lihat alat kelamin saudara".

Setelah melihat dengan teliti dokter itu pun berdiri dan kembali ke ruang prakteknya.

"Bagaimana dok, apa penyakit saya?", tanya pria itu.

Dokter pun menjawab,"Lain kali bilang sama pacar kamu kalau memakai lipstik jangan tebal-tebal. .."

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Pusat Hiburan

Pasien : "Dok, saya mau tanya kenapa sih rambut atas saya putih semua?"

Dokter : "Ya jelas, soalnya diataskan pusat pikiran, makanya rambut atas cepat putih."

Pasien : "Tapi pak dokter, kenapa rambut bawah saya tidak putih?"

Dokter : "Iyalah... soalnya dibawah kan pusat hiburan!"

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Alat Kelamin Bercak Merah-Merah

Seorang pria datang ke dokter kelamin dengan keluhan, "Dokter, alat kelamin saya kok merah-merah? ", dokter pun menjawab,

"Wah gawat itu, jangan-jangan anda terkena penyakit kelamin yang menular".

Lalu dokter dan pria itu pun masuk ke kamar periksa untuk diperiksa oleh dokter tersebut, "Coba kita lihat alat kelamin saudara".

Setelah melihat dengan teliti dokter itu pun berdiri dan kembali ke ruang prakteknya.

"Bagaimana dok, apa penyakit saya?", tanya pria itu.

Dokter pun menjawab,"Lain kali bilang sama pacar kamu kalau memakai lipstik jangan tebal-tebal. .."

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Sun Radically Simplifies Content Authoring - Previews JavaFX Script

JavaFX Script Simplifies Development of Rich Internet Applications
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. JAVAONE CONFERENCE, May 8, 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc., (NASDAQ: SUNW) today previewed JavaFX Script, a radically simple scripting language for creating rich content and applications to run on billions of Java-powered devices from mobile phones to Blu-ray Disc players to the browser. The first of a series of content authoring products from Sun, JavaFX Script enables content rich, highly interactive sites to be built by creative professionals including designers, authors and developers.

JavaFX Script takes advantage of the Java Runtime Environment's (JRE) ubiquity across devices and enables creative professionals to begin building applications based on their current knowledge base. It also uses Java technology's "write once, run anywhere" capability to help realize a future where consumers can access content whenever and wherever on any Java-powered device. JavaFX applications will run on JavaFX Mobile, Sun's software system for mobile devices also previewed at JavaOne, as well as desktop browsers (see separate announcement).

"Consumer demand for content on any and every device is putting content convergence on a fast track. The expanding universe of Java-based devices creates a unique opportunity to make the three-screen vision of unified content across computer, TV and mobile device a reality," said Bob Brewin, CTO, Software, Sun Microsystems. "With JavaFX Script and Sun's follow-on content authoring tools, Sun will simplify the creation of rich content for the creative community and give consumers the ability to access content anytime anywhere on any Java-powered device."

JavaFX Script applications will run on any JavaSE technology-based platform including all of the upcoming JavaFX software systems for mobile handsets, TVs and other embedded applications from automobiles to game systems. JavaFX Script is unique in providing close integration with Java components that run on the server or the client, resulting in a richer end-to-end experience. JavaFX Script brings together a simple and intuitive language design, requiring less coding and providing fast development cycles with a ubiquitous runtime platform and an open source program for innovation by developers worldwide. Over time, Sun will enhance the JavaFX family with content tools, widgets and other offerings that will further aid developers in creating rich media and content.

Sun plans to make JavaFX Script available under an open source license and today is releasing the early alpha version of JavaFX Script at on Developers are invited to join the JavaFX community, download the code and provide input and feedback. JavaOne technical sessions on JavaFX Script will be held on Wednesday, May 9 from 4:10 - 5:10 p.m. and Thursday, May 10 from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. A hands-on lab session on JavaFX Script will be held Thursday, May 10 from 3:50 - 5:20 p.m.

More information on this week's JavaOne announcements and Sun's eco-responsibility activities at JavaOne, is available at:

About the JavaOne Conference

Located at Moscone Center in San Francisco, May 8-11, the annual JavaOne conference is one of the leading events for Java technology developers. Established in 1996, the Conference provides technology enthusiasts the opportunity to learn about the latest technology innovations with Java technology, scripting, open source, Web 2.0 and more. Developers get hands-on experience with the technology, can network with their peers, and have the opportunity to network directly with technology experts from technology industry leaders. For more information about the JavaOne conference, visit
About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

A singular vision -- "The Network Is The Computer" -- guides Sun in the development of technologies that power the world's most important markets. Sun's philosophy of sharing innovation and building communities is at the forefront of the next wave of computing: the Participation Age. Sun can be found in more than 100 countries and on the Web at

Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, JavaOne, JavaFX, Java Runtime Environment, JRE and The Network Is The Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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Sun Radically Simplifies Content Authoring - Previews JavaFX Script

JavaFX Script Simplifies Development of Rich Internet Applications
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. JAVAONE CONFERENCE, May 8, 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc., (NASDAQ: SUNW) today previewed JavaFX Script, a radically simple scripting language for creating rich content and applications to run on billions of Java-powered devices from mobile phones to Blu-ray Disc players to the browser. The first of a series of content authoring products from Sun, JavaFX Script enables content rich, highly interactive sites to be built by creative professionals including designers, authors and developers.

JavaFX Script takes advantage of the Java Runtime Environment's (JRE) ubiquity across devices and enables creative professionals to begin building applications based on their current knowledge base. It also uses Java technology's "write once, run anywhere" capability to help realize a future where consumers can access content whenever and wherever on any Java-powered device. JavaFX applications will run on JavaFX Mobile, Sun's software system for mobile devices also previewed at JavaOne, as well as desktop browsers (see separate announcement).

"Consumer demand for content on any and every device is putting content convergence on a fast track. The expanding universe of Java-based devices creates a unique opportunity to make the three-screen vision of unified content across computer, TV and mobile device a reality," said Bob Brewin, CTO, Software, Sun Microsystems. "With JavaFX Script and Sun's follow-on content authoring tools, Sun will simplify the creation of rich content for the creative community and give consumers the ability to access content anytime anywhere on any Java-powered device."

JavaFX Script applications will run on any JavaSE technology-based platform including all of the upcoming JavaFX software systems for mobile handsets, TVs and other embedded applications from automobiles to game systems. JavaFX Script is unique in providing close integration with Java components that run on the server or the client, resulting in a richer end-to-end experience. JavaFX Script brings together a simple and intuitive language design, requiring less coding and providing fast development cycles with a ubiquitous runtime platform and an open source program for innovation by developers worldwide. Over time, Sun will enhance the JavaFX family with content tools, widgets and other offerings that will further aid developers in creating rich media and content.

Sun plans to make JavaFX Script available under an open source license and today is releasing the early alpha version of JavaFX Script at on Developers are invited to join the JavaFX community, download the code and provide input and feedback. JavaOne technical sessions on JavaFX Script will be held on Wednesday, May 9 from 4:10 - 5:10 p.m. and Thursday, May 10 from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. A hands-on lab session on JavaFX Script will be held Thursday, May 10 from 3:50 - 5:20 p.m.

More information on this week's JavaOne announcements and Sun's eco-responsibility activities at JavaOne, is available at:

About the JavaOne Conference

Located at Moscone Center in San Francisco, May 8-11, the annual JavaOne conference is one of the leading events for Java technology developers. Established in 1996, the Conference provides technology enthusiasts the opportunity to learn about the latest technology innovations with Java technology, scripting, open source, Web 2.0 and more. Developers get hands-on experience with the technology, can network with their peers, and have the opportunity to network directly with technology experts from technology industry leaders. For more information about the JavaOne conference, visit
About Sun Microsystems, Inc.

A singular vision -- "The Network Is The Computer" -- guides Sun in the development of technologies that power the world's most important markets. Sun's philosophy of sharing innovation and building communities is at the forefront of the next wave of computing: the Participation Age. Sun can be found in more than 100 countries and on the Web at

Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, Java, JavaOne, JavaFX, Java Runtime Environment, JRE and The Network Is The Computer are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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